Friday, January 21, 2011

Why do we live here??!!

Oh my gosh is it ever cold out there! The kind of cold where it is almost hard to breathe outside. Yesterday when I took Hunter to school, I put on the full winter armor on both of the boys-jackets, snowpants, boots, hat, mittens. Do you know how long that takes when you're doing it by yourself and your 18 month old has learned to bite off one mitten as you're putting on the other? As of right now, 10:30 AM it is -12 but feels like -32. BRRR! I don't even want to know how cold it was at the crack of dawn. This winter, with all the snow and now the frigid temperatures I have been frequently asking myself, why do we live here?
I mean, we used to live less than 10 blocks from the Gulf of Mexico! Warm temperatures this time of year. Nice tan. Go to the beach (one of my childhood dreams was to live near the ocean. Who knew that would become a reality). Go to the pool. We could even go for a walk this time of year outside. Can you tell I'm missing TX right about now?
But, then I remember how hard it was being so far away from all of our loved ones. Our support system. Our family and friends. The people who mean the most to us. And it is very clear to me as to why we live here. And really, if I were to become a resident of TX, I think I would miss the seasons. I can't imagine a winter without snow. I can't imagine looking at palm trees vs. the beautiful fall colors. There is so much that I would miss. This is home.
So, even with all the complaining I may do about the weather, I am really happy that we live where we do.

1 comment:

  1. I am happy you live here, and we have connected. I too, wonder sometimes why the heck I am here. I love the snow, but hey that doesn't mean that I have to love the cold. In fact I hate cold. And what you were describing on the coast sounds wonderful right about now :) I would miss the MN seasons though, they are just beautiful. And then this is home, this is where I belong. Nice Post Janel!
