We finally made it a point this weekend to get out in the snow and play! The temps were up (upper 20's-talk about a heat wave!) and no big snowfall was forcasted (however now they're predicting 4-8 inches-ugh). The boys loved it-especially Brody since it was pretty much his first time getting out to play in it. We had him out last winter, but he was so little and couldn't move around. This year is a different story. He loves running in the driveway across the snow and scooting down the snow pile that has accumulated from shoveling. You would be impressed by the size considering we have hand shoveled the driveway this entire winter.
It was like a whole other world outside. We heard lots of "wow!" and "whoa!" from Brody. He couldn't get enough. You would think he would be satisfied and sick of the snow after tripping into snow piles he believed didn't exist, getting stuck, not being able to help himself up due to the bulk of winter gear or getting white-washed. However, he wanted more.
After his cheeks turned pink, nose started to run and snow got under his mittens, we decided to bring him inside. He was not happy. He kicked and screamed the entire way and signed more with his hands. I couldn't help but laugh. It's hard being little sometimes.
We can't wait to get outside on the next warm day and hopefully spend a little more time and go sledding.

Brody enjoying a warm winter day!

Getting a ride from daddy on the shovel. He wasn't too sure about it.
So cute! Dylan had a great day with dad outside too (Oh and Ned too!). It was a great day to play outside, and your kids are adorable :)