Saturday, July 23, 2011

Copy Cat

Apparently Brody has gotten to be quite the funny boy lately, because a lot of my posts have been about him.  Today we were at Craig's parents and were outside running off some energy.  Well, I was standing there wishing I had the energy the boys have, and they were running off theirs.  Really, where do they get it all from?

I noticed their cat, was eating grass.  We told her to stop because it usually makes her sick.  Brody took notice as to what Maddie (the cat) was doing and decided that he should try too.  The grass had just been watered by the sprinklers and Brody thought it would be great to lick the water off of the blades of grass.  Gross.  We told him to stop, but he thought it was pretty funny an apparently didn't taste too bad.

He continued to run around, but before we left snuck in a couple more licks of water from the grass.  Copy cat?  I think so.

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