Wednesday, August 15, 2012


I only wish that I had pictures or a video to go along with this post because I am sure they would be hilarious!

Today we ventured to the clinic for the boy's check-ups- Hunter's 6 year/kindergarten physical and Brody's 3 year.  Yeah, we procrastinate sometimes and don't get in on time.  Such is life.  But we did it today and got some great stories out of the deal.  Oh, and two healthy boys!

I honestly did not know how this day would go.  I was dreading it, actually.  Preparing for the worse.  I usually do separate appointments for them on different days so it makes it easier and not as long.  This time I decided to do them together because our summer has had a very crazy, busy schedule and just wanted to get it all done in one day this time.  Let's start with Hunter's check-up.

Kindergarten is awesome, new, exciting and includes 4 shots.  (Insert sarcastic voice) What kid doesn't love shots, right?  He knew they were coming.  He had the option last year to get them but chose to wait.  He said he would be so much "older and braver".  I was hoping he was right-not about the older part because I don't want my boys to grow up yet, but about the braver part.  He told me before we went in he was a little nervous and asked me what a shot felt like.  I told him it wasn't that big of a deal and just a little poke and that it would be over.  He didn't understand what these shots would do for him besides the obvious, hurt.  So, we grabbed the list of immunizations and looked up what diseases are prevented if you get the shots.  He thought they all looked gross and disgusting, some sad, and knew he did not want them and wanted the shots.  Woot!  Woot!  He was on board.  Still a little nervous about the pain, he stretched his arm out and said, "Mom, pinch me!  Show me what the shot feels like!"  Really, who wants to pinch their kid?  Not me.  But, I gave a little squeeze telling him that it really didn't hurt.

We got into the clinic, checked in and waited for the nurse to call us.  Once called, we walked to our room with a crying 3 year old (more on that in a little bit) and began the physical.  After a few questions, Hunter weighed in at 44 pounds (31.86%) and was 42.6 inches tall (4.29%-let's just say he's not the tallest kid, but what do you expect with two short parents?).  Eyes and ears checked out ok, although I got a little concerned with the hearing part when he only heard one beep the first time through.  We tried again and determined he was busy listening to the music on the speakers.  The nurse left and we waited for the doctor...for about 20 minutes.  Seriously, when we are your 10 and 10:30 appointment, it shouldn't take that long.  And especially kids...but whatever.

Hunter hid behind the table when the doctor came in.  I asked him if he saw Hunter sneak out, but he said he hadn't, quickly going along with my game.  He peeked around the table with a slightly nervous 6 year old hiding.  Hunter came out and couldn't wait to get his reflexes checked.  He even checked out that instrument during our painfully long wait.  The following things checked out great: mouth, eyes, ears, breathing, heart, lungs, stomach, back, balance, hopping, tippy toes, heels and don't forget, those awesome reflexes!  This boy was ready for kindergarten...except for those darn shots.  You almost forgot didn't you?  We also found out that after the shots we had to head down to lab for blood work and urine test.  Sweet...even better.

Brody had his exam (info still coming) and then the nurse returned with four big needles.  Ok, they weren't that big, but to a 6 year old, I'm sure they look huge!  He was hiding behind the table again when she came him.  It took a little more convincing to get him to climb on top, but when we told him that he could have his sucker afterwards, he was game.  I asked him why he thought they would hurt so bad.  He told me he remembers watching Brody get his one time and crying.  I told him it was because he was scared not because it hurt.  He laid down and tensed up.  I went towards his head to help hold/calm him down.  He laid pretty well, but did not calm down.  She was going to put the shots in his thighs so to start the process she opened up the alcohol wipes to clean the area.  The first wipe the screams and tears began.  "Ouch!  It hurts, it hurts!"  He was sobbing and we couldn't help but to look at each other and giggle.  If the alcohol wipes "hurt" he did not know what was coming.  Shot one in.  Loud screams!!  Shot two in.  You thought the first one was loud, you should have heard the second.  Shot three in.  Seriously, if you were outside you would think she was killing the poor child.  Shot four in.  More screams, tears from not just one boy, but two.  He terrified Brody.  Band-aid one on. Hunter popped up, tears gone saying, "We're done?!?"  Shocked that was all it was.  We burst out laughing!  He couldn't understand why.  So after all four crayon band-aids were in place with a sucker in the mouth, we headed down to lab.

Carrying a 3 year old and dragging a 6 year old muttering "This is dumb.  I just had shots.  Why do I have to do lab to?" we made our way down the hallway passing the doctor.  The lab tech (who wasn't super kid friendly/convincing right away) told us that the cup would be in the cubby and then to come back to the chair for blood.  We walked into the bathroom which led to this great chat.

"This is so stupid!  I have to pee in a cup?  What do you mean I have to pee in a cup?  I always pee in the toilet.  This is so dumb."  You get the idea.  I told him they just had to check that everything was ok and that he was ready for kindergarten.  So after filling the cup with still enough to put some in the toilet, we passed the warm yellow cup (I let him feel the outside because how often do you find out that it's warm?  He thought it was fascinating.) we went to the chair.

He was fighting it.  Big time.  I ended up sitting in the chair with Hunter on my lap.  The Brodster got jealous and started crying and wanted up.  Well, the lab tech who I thought wasn't kid friendly turned out to be great when I needed her the most.  She grabbed me a glove, told me to blow it up like a balloon.  Winner, winner, chicken dinner!  Brody thought it was hilarious and loved a hand shaped balloon.  Next, she told Hunter it would be a quick prick, get a little blood and she'd put on a cool crayon band-aid.  Apparently crayon band-aids were so four shots ago!  He told her that he already had four on his legs and didn't want another.  She said she had really cool flag band-aids too.  He was sold.  After the quick prick and squeeze (he screamed when he saw the blood), the band-aid was in place and she opened up her drawer of cool prizes.  He was pumped!  He picked out a red bracelet and we were on our way.  She told us they would call us later with the results.  He was still muttering how it was dumb that he had to get all of that done.

For being so brave, Hunter got to choose where we went for lunch.  We had a great time at Pizza Ranch with some yummy pizza.  Later this afternoon, the clinic called telling me everything turned out great on his lab work.  Hunter asked who called.  I told him it was the clinic with his results.  For a boy who cries wolf, I decided to play a little trick (I now realize I probably shouldn't).  I told him they were unable to read his results and he needed to go back.  His jaw dropped, eyes huge.  I quickly told him I was kidding.  He laughed and told me that was pretty funny.  And I know he thought that because tonight he made a pretend phone ring, answered, talked and told me he had to go back to the clinic for lab work.  Haha.

So, we now have a little man ready for kindergarten!  Shots and all!

Now onto Brody's check-up.  See, I didn't forget.  I honestly did not know how this would go.  Last night and this morning we played doctor with Brody.  Hunter helped me out.  We had Brody open wide, check his eyes, ears, temp, etc.  He thought it was fun. 

We got to the clinic and he was super happy, flirting with the receptionist, reading a magazine and giggling.  Awesome!  Then we were called.  Tears began and he was shouting, "I don't want to go!  Let's go to the car!"  Great.  My nightmares were coming true (I really did have a dream last night about Hunter overflowing the urine cup.  Weird, I know.).  We got into the room with an upset 3 year old, but he calmed down as soon as he saw Hunter begin his check up.  He couldn't wait for his and to go on the scale.

He was great!  He hopped right up once it was his turn!  He weighed in at an even 32 pounds (50.48%) and was 37 inches (30.37%-catching up to his brother!)  He was laughing for the nurse and did amazing.  She asked me if we had any concerns, which I did.  I told her that it was really weird, but he has fears of things.  The biggest two are the dark (which is normal) and stickers.  She laughed and I told her I know it's weird but he is literally terrified.  She said she would make a note of it and to talk about it with the doctor.  I also told her that he is very possessive over Hunter, but I think it's a second child thing.

Well, after our painful 20 minute wait, the doc was in.  Hunter went first, then Brody.  He was all smiles again.  The doctor showed him how to take deep breaths.  It was hilarious watching him try to figure it out, but he did.  Everything checked out great.  We found out that the reason sometimes he has an outie for a belly button is because there is a small hernia, but it is fairly common and they close on their own around ages 5-6.  He was not concerned and I told him we notice it most when he has a full tummy.  So, my theory of him having a stubborn umbilical cord was wrong.  I'm glad that it's not anything we did wrong.

We then began to chat.  I brought up the stickers.  He laughed (really, how can you not?  It's just that weird.).  He told me that he was completely puzzled, had never heard of it, but said that it would be ok.  Thankfully we don't necessarily need stickers to live in life, so if he doesn't overcome his fear, he will be ok.  And Hunter had a sticker on and he was ok with that.  Just not on his skin.  Same for tattoos.  He said if we keep working on it, he may overcome the fear.  He said that there is probably something from the past that triggered the fear, but we will never know what.  Phew!  Life will go on with the fear of stickers.  The dark thing is normal, which I expected.  He also said so is the possession issue with Hunter (Insert a kick at Hunter in the doctor's room).  Perfect timing.  Hunter was fine, thankfully, but he probably thought I was crazy for thinking that.

Brody checked out great.  Then came the time for Hunter's shots.  With Hunter wailing, Brody got worked up and scared and was screaming and crying for me, reaching up to the table with the needles.  He was close to knocking them down but thankfully didn't.  With a sucker now in his mouth, we walked to lab.  The bathroom was really exciting.  Who knew that the toilet paper rolls could spin that fast?  Seriously, I had to fix the rolls at least 4 times which reasoning with Hunter why he had to pee in the cup.  Next, came the lab with the crying 6 year old in my arms with the crying 3 year old trying to climb up.  This is when the magical blue hand balloon appeared.  Finally, we were done and on our way to the Pizza Ranch.

I honestly pictured this doctors visit to go completely different.  I thought Brody would give his death glare (seriously, if looks could kill this boy would be a murderer), cry constantly, be mad and difficult.  I was wrong.  And I didn't expect Hunter to be sooo upset over the shots and lab work.  But, we made it!!

Hopefully there won't be any visits between now and next years check ups! 

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