Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Middle Name Confusion

Apparently my boys try to take after celebs with weird name trends.  I know, Craig and I are no where close to being celebrities and we would never think of naming our children after food.  However, they think it's a great idea.
When Hunter was around two, he believed that his name was "Hunter Chicken Zappe" instead of Hunter Christian Zappe.  It was hilarious and he eventually figured it out.  Yesterday, Brody was eating some ice cream and I can't remember exactly how he said it, but something to the effect that it was just like him, "Brody Ice Cream Zappe".  I think our child is convinced now that his middle name is Ice Cream instead of being named after is grandpa and great-grandpa with the middle name of Augustine.
But for now, we'll let it slide.  He'll figure it out soon enough that his parents aren't that weird to name him after a sweet treat.

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