Friday, October 12, 2012
The boys love going to movies! It is a special treat that we do now and then and today I decided that we should go. I have never been brave enough to take the two of them on my own (I'm kind of a chicken at times), but for some reason I was feeling a little spontaneous today and decided to give it a go.
The boys did awesome! I was a little hesitant about going because the movie I wanted to go to, Hotel Transylvania, was only in 3-D at the 4:00 matinee. But, Hunter assured me it would be ok and that the glasses over glasses wouldn't be a problem and Brody would probably keep them on. I figured that you never know until you try.
After buying a big bucket of popcorn, a bag of M&M's and a pop for me, we found our way to theater 6. Brody kept the glasses on for about the first 1/3 to 1/2 of the movie and then took them off. The slight blurriness of the picture without the glasses didn't seem to bother him. And Hunter loved the 3-D effect. There were times he would reach out to try to touch the picture coming at him.
It was a fun afternoon and now I know that we can do the movies with just me and 3-D is ok too!! Thanks for a fun afternoon, boys!
Sunday, September 23, 2012
"I want oil."
The other day, Brody was standing by the lazy susan cupboard saying, "I want oil. Pleeeeeeaaassse. I want oil." Well, we do keep our cooking oil there and I couldn't understand why he wanted oil so bad. Seriously, I thought there was something wrong with my child.
Throughout the day he continued to go over there and telling me he just wanted some oil. Finally, he gave up on me and brought a bar stool over to the corner in the kitchen, climbed up, opened the cupboard and pulled out the Oreo's! "I want oil!" Ahhhh....the boy wants an oreo!
I caved and shook my head because Craig had been "sneaking" Oreo's the weekend before. Thanks love for giving away my hiding spot and showing our kids it's ok to stuff an entire Oreo into your mouth because that way no one even notices you have one.'re busted. ;)
But seriously, look how cute this little man is with his oil Oreo.
Chuck Norris
Craig has noticed that Hunter has one of the same bus drivers that he had when he was a child. The bus driver who looked like Chuck Norris. I thought there was no way this guy really looked like him. Ok, maybe a little. But still. So, I put it to the test.
I did a Google image search for Mr. Chuck Norris and called Hunter over to the computer. I asked him who it was and his response, "Hey! That's my bus driver!"
Ha! So it is true. Who knew that Chuck Norris lived in a little town in MN. Ok, so just his look-a-like does.
I did a Google image search for Mr. Chuck Norris and called Hunter over to the computer. I asked him who it was and his response, "Hey! That's my bus driver!"
Ha! So it is true. Who knew that Chuck Norris lived in a little town in MN. Ok, so just his look-a-like does.
Monday, September 10, 2012
I made it!
Whew. I made it. Last week was exhausting and overwhelming on so many levels and I'm so glad that it's over and done with. And it feels good.
Monday, we went to the wake of Craig's best friend's grandmother. It is always hard to see people you care about hurting due to the loss of a loved one. I am so glad we were able to go and support Ryan, during his time of need, and remind him that we will be there whenever he needs us just like he has been there for us and our family. The evening ended with us going out to eat with two other couples who are really good friends from college. It was great catching up with them on an unexpected trip to the cities.
Tuesday was a big day that I was excited for and dreading for quite some time now-Hunter's first day of Kindergarten. He was really excited for it and I was really nervous like most moms are. With the death of Ryan's grandma, Craig was able to be home for this day which was so nice. The night before we were talking and I had a good long hard cry with him consoling me. It is still so hard to believe that our little boy is going off on his own now and that he is growing up and there is absolutely nothing we can do to stop it. It is heart breaking. I really wish they could stay little. Well, as I was saying, he was excited. He woke up great, had breakfast, took some pictures, got a little interview on the video camera from him. The morning was going perfect, except those tears that would come from nowhere. Well, as time ticked away, I knew we were getting close to the big yellow bus coming. 15 minutes before the pick-up time I asked Craig if I should take him down the road. He told me to settle down, relax and that it would be pointless to wait there. Ok, he was right I thought. So, then 5 more minutes passed. I was ready to take him but Craig once again convinced me to hang out for a few more minutes otherwise we would wait forever down at the stop. Well, after 2 minutes passed, my nerves got the best of me. It was time to go. Craig still thought I was a little paranoid, but I didn't care. So we were off. Hunter's bus stop is about 5 houses down the road from us, so a good walk. We were one house down the street and that bus showed up. Panicked, we both started to run. Thankfully the driver saw us, hit the brakes and waited. No good-bye hug, no good luck, just running, panicked that Hunter would miss the bus for his first day of school. Well, I started the tearful walk back to the house. My husband greeted me and asked what bus I sent Hunter on. Uh....I don't know, the one that is supposed to pick him up. It said on his schedule it's supposed to be bus 18, not 52. What?!?! I just sent my kindergartner on the wrong bus his first day of school?!? I felt awful! The tears turned into sobs. So, Craig told me he would go to the school to make sure Hunter made it.
About 15 minutes passed and he returned. He told me that no bus 18 showed up and if bus 52 did, it made it to the school before he did. I said, well you did check his classroom to make sure he made it, right? I'm pretty sure that's what moms would do. Nope. Why would he do that? Ahhh!! So at this time I'm freaking out that I don't know where my son is. The issue could have been resolved so easily and I am mad. Craig called transportation, but they weren't really sure. So then he called the school and the secretary checked his room and he made it. I'm pretty sure the extra 15 minutes of stress, crying, worry, get the point...could have been avoided if Craig would have just checked. But really, then we wouldn't have this really cool story. And the best part is, Hunter has no clue that we thought we sent him on the wrong bus.
I went to visit a friend and her new baby girl that morning and then had lunch with another friend. The perfect thing I needed for one of the most stressful days of my life. But really, look how cute this kindergartner is. :)
Monday, we went to the wake of Craig's best friend's grandmother. It is always hard to see people you care about hurting due to the loss of a loved one. I am so glad we were able to go and support Ryan, during his time of need, and remind him that we will be there whenever he needs us just like he has been there for us and our family. The evening ended with us going out to eat with two other couples who are really good friends from college. It was great catching up with them on an unexpected trip to the cities.
Tuesday was a big day that I was excited for and dreading for quite some time now-Hunter's first day of Kindergarten. He was really excited for it and I was really nervous like most moms are. With the death of Ryan's grandma, Craig was able to be home for this day which was so nice. The night before we were talking and I had a good long hard cry with him consoling me. It is still so hard to believe that our little boy is going off on his own now and that he is growing up and there is absolutely nothing we can do to stop it. It is heart breaking. I really wish they could stay little. Well, as I was saying, he was excited. He woke up great, had breakfast, took some pictures, got a little interview on the video camera from him. The morning was going perfect, except those tears that would come from nowhere. Well, as time ticked away, I knew we were getting close to the big yellow bus coming. 15 minutes before the pick-up time I asked Craig if I should take him down the road. He told me to settle down, relax and that it would be pointless to wait there. Ok, he was right I thought. So, then 5 more minutes passed. I was ready to take him but Craig once again convinced me to hang out for a few more minutes otherwise we would wait forever down at the stop. Well, after 2 minutes passed, my nerves got the best of me. It was time to go. Craig still thought I was a little paranoid, but I didn't care. So we were off. Hunter's bus stop is about 5 houses down the road from us, so a good walk. We were one house down the street and that bus showed up. Panicked, we both started to run. Thankfully the driver saw us, hit the brakes and waited. No good-bye hug, no good luck, just running, panicked that Hunter would miss the bus for his first day of school. Well, I started the tearful walk back to the house. My husband greeted me and asked what bus I sent Hunter on. Uh....I don't know, the one that is supposed to pick him up. It said on his schedule it's supposed to be bus 18, not 52. What?!?! I just sent my kindergartner on the wrong bus his first day of school?!? I felt awful! The tears turned into sobs. So, Craig told me he would go to the school to make sure Hunter made it.
About 15 minutes passed and he returned. He told me that no bus 18 showed up and if bus 52 did, it made it to the school before he did. I said, well you did check his classroom to make sure he made it, right? I'm pretty sure that's what moms would do. Nope. Why would he do that? Ahhh!! So at this time I'm freaking out that I don't know where my son is. The issue could have been resolved so easily and I am mad. Craig called transportation, but they weren't really sure. So then he called the school and the secretary checked his room and he made it. I'm pretty sure the extra 15 minutes of stress, crying, worry, get the point...could have been avoided if Craig would have just checked. But really, then we wouldn't have this really cool story. And the best part is, Hunter has no clue that we thought we sent him on the wrong bus.
I went to visit a friend and her new baby girl that morning and then had lunch with another friend. The perfect thing I needed for one of the most stressful days of my life. But really, look how cute this kindergartner is. :)
{Love Pinterest ideas.}
Wednesday the house seemed quiet with only one son. No fighting, no wrestling matches and a sweet little Brody all to myself. That evening we had supper at Craig's grandparents and I also had a meeting at church since I will be a counselor for our Sr. High Youth which I'm super pumped about. So, not a stressful day, just a little busy in the evening and bedtime for the boys.
Thursday, Brody and I went shopping in town in the morning. It was so nice and relaxing and he did great! We even went to Culver's for a little lunch date. That evening I went to a wake for my aunt's boyfriend of 12 years who became a part of our family. My dad watched the boys and I took my mom with me. After the prayer service, my mom, cousin and I went out for supper since I was starving! Turns out we sat at the table right next to my mom's cousin who just got into town for the funeral the next day. We chatted, laughed, heard some great stories of their youth, caught up on life and before we knew it, it was after 9! And we still had an hour drive ahead of us. We decided to scoot and head home. But once I got home, the night was not over. My aunt had asked me to write the eulogy for the funeral. Nothing like waiting until the last minute, huh? So, at 11 PM I started it and finished around 11:30, called my aunt with the final product and finally got ready for bed after midnight. Exhausted.
Friday morning I had a little boy who did not want to go to school. He hated it, never wanted to go back, didn't understand why he has to be there 7 hours and so on. Many many many tears came out of that little boys big brown eyes that morning. I had to literally push him out the door for the bus and walked him down and it took a lot of convincing to get him to go on the bus. He was not happy with me at all. Finally, he was off (in tears) and I had to quickly finish getting ready to head to the funeral.
We made the hour drive and were greeted by family. It is always hard to say good-bye to people and see those you care and love hurt so much. After a great lunch of BBQ ribs to celebrate Greg's life, we came back home to get that little kindergartner off the bus. Then, that night we had a get together with people from church. The kids were having a pizza party and the adults were going out for supper and drinks. It was a great night with great people! But, I was tired after a busy week and organizing the event and knowing I had a big day coming up on Saturday.
{Yay for friends and matching drinks!}
Saturday morning came and Hunter and I were at City Park just after 6AM to set up for the 3rd annual CHD walk in Alexandria. We got things set up for the walk, then participated in the walk and then it was time to say good-bye which was heart breaking. Hunter was exhausted and overwhelmed from a busy week. We were gone Monday, first day of school Tuesday, Craig leaving Tuesday, a new schedule, Friday night not with me and now I was leaving him for the rest of the day and night. I do not blame him for being crabby, tired and upset. If I had the stress level that he had for the week, I would be mad too. So, many tears and hugs and much convincing, Craig's sister was kind enough to take the boys to Grandpa and Grandma's so I could go to a bachelorette party! I was excited, but everything hit me. I had a big break down and cried really hard for about an hour. I felt like a horrible mom, I felt overwhelmed. I was exhausted and yet I still had more to do. So, after a little pep talk from my amazing husband, I got myself together and got ready for a fun night.
{Brody and I at the Heart Walk}
The beautiful bride-to-be and me road tripped the hour down to the hotel that we would be staying at. We checked in and found our sweet suite. Two levels and all! We had a blast heading out for supper, a quick stop at Old Navy (who doesn't go to ON on the bachelorette party night?), and played some games at the hotel before heading out for a night of bar hopping, making new friends, laughing and having fun.
{Photo booth props are a must for bachelorette parties.}
Phew! It was a crazy week and I'm so glad it is over. There were a lot of good things about it, but it was just busy. There was no planning ahead for the activities. I just had to take them as they came. I'm ready for fall and the slower pace of life. Thank you Lord, for helping me make it through.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Happy Camper
Sorry this is so late, but like the saying goes, better late than never! The weekend of August 10-12, Hunter spent the weekend at Bible camp. Yes, two nights away from home! In the past he has had overnight sleep overs and those have gone well. So, this spring when it came time to sign him up for camp he was determined to go to a camp that was overnight for 6-8 year olds, you know, because he just turned 6. Obviously you no longer need your parents at that age.
Initially I signed Hunter up for two Bible camps this summer. The first one was going to be a camp with me. I thought it was the perfect way to introduce him to camp and spend the weekend together. Apparently he is "too cool" to go to camp with Mom and didn't want to go. And he had a busy summer line up. So, we cancelled that camp and is first time there he would be on his own.
I was ok with it and not concerned until the night before. Was my little boy really going to go to camp alone? Ok, so technically not alone-two other boys from our church would be in his same cabin and we had 3 friends on the island so if things were to go south, he would have people there that I know love and care about him and would treat him as their own.
So, as I was saying the night before, it hit me! Tears started to flow as I packed his bags and I was not ready for this. The drive up went well. Hunter was excited mixed with a little bit of nervousness. We checked in and then my eyes welled up again. My friend Kari came to the rescue and she told me that honestly she didn't know how I was doing this. Her son, who is the same age as Hunter, was going to be in camp too, but unlike me, Kari was staying up at camp for a retreat. She told me my feelings were normal and admitted that she even shed a few tears for me the day before just thinking about it.
We drove down to the cabin-complete with a lake view-and unloaded. Hunter had first pick of which bunk and picked the top. He was excited!! We rolled out the sleeping bag, unpacked a couple things, Hunter met his counselor and then we had to go back home because it was the last night of VBS.
After VBS Friday night, it was time to say our final good-bye before Sunday morning at chapel. It was hard! Tears started flowing from Hunter and his little lip was quivering. I took him aside and I couldn't help but to cry too and hug him. But, he told me he was brave and excited and knew he would have fun. After a few more hugs and tears, he was off. Thankfully our friends were kind enough to bring him up to camp with them to save me almost 2 hours of drive time round trip.
On their drive up to camp, only one phone call was made with a sobbing 6 year old and there was no need to rescue him all weekend. He had a blast at camp, didn't want to come home and can't wait to go again next year!
Hunter after he picked out his bunk bed. Excited, nervous or both?
Sunday morning after chapel! He loved camp!
Hunter and his buddy, T, in front of their cabin!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Potty-Plane-ing: Day 1 & 2
Yes, that's right. We are potty training! Or as Brody likes to call it, potty-plane-ing. Whatever works, right?
Day 1:
Last night, I noticed Brody snuck away to his room to do his business. Something hit me and I was like, forget diapers, this kid is going on the potty chair. He has no interest still, but I know he knows when he is going. So, I rushed into his room and grabbed him, stripped off the diaper and brought him to his potty chair. He was so mad at me. He was crying and told me he was scared. I gave him a hug and told him he was a big boy and told him he could do it. He had to be brave. With much reasoning, we made it to the chair and he was actually sitting. Big step! I told him he could have some M&M's while he sat there and could watch a movie on the computer. So, I got the treats and brought the lap top in. We you-tubed videos and found a winner that he thought was great! It is super cheesy, but he loves it. You can find it here:
I tried a couple others, but he didn't like them as much. He got sad when they said by to the diapers. So we stuck to this one and sat and sat and sat. He probably sat there for over half an hour. Nothing. So, we got out the Thomas undies and played. We tried again. Nothing. Finally it was bath time. He was playing and as I was getting something from the kitchen, Brody ran out and said, "I'm all done!". I assumed with the bath, since he will do this. So I grabbed his towel, but noticed some yellow in the potty! Yay!! I made sure that Hunter didn't do it and he said he didn't. Brody went potty! So, we put it in the big toilet and flushed and said, "Bye, bye pee, pee!" with a wave. Hands washed we went to his room and put jammies on. It was bed time so a diaper went on too. An icky, baby diaper I reminded him.
Down he went, but then I smelt something wafting from his room. A dirty diaper. But he was out cold! I changed his dirty diaper and put him back in bed.
Day 2:
He woke up happy as can be! And with a dry diaper. I instantly had him sit on the potty. Nothing, nothing and nothing. He was hungry, so we ate, got ready because we had a doctor appointment. He didn't go all morning! So, on went a diaper because I was not facing this battle in public, yet.
But, we returned home with a dry diaper! It was like 4 by the time we got home from running errands, doctor appointment, lunch, etc. Talk about stage fright! The undies went back on. I forgot to set a timer and all of a sudden there was crying. I thought it was because his train was off the track, but it was because he peed in the living room. We cleaned it up, got fresh undies and watched our awesome new video. Seriously like 15 minutes later he was sitting on the potty, stood up and went on the bathroom floor and cried again. We cleaned it up and I told him it was ok and accidents happened. We got another pair of undies and then ate supper. During supper he got off his chair and started crying. I thought his Texas toast was too hot, but it turned out I had a puddle on my kitchen floor. So, I cleaned that up, got another pair of undies and finished up supper.
After supper he ran to his room and slammed the door. I knew what he was up to! I ran in there, brought him to the potty hoping it wasn't too late. I was one terd too late (this is a post about potty training, yes poop and pee are involved). I put it in his potty though and showed him. We flushed it and then said "Bye, bye poo poo!" There was another little one that fell on the floor (yes, I've been cleaning floors a lot today). I showed him the accident and assured him it was ok. He grabbed me some t.p. and we picked it up and waved bye as it went down the bowl. Then he sat, and sat an sat. Stage fright again! A little pee came out so we did get to flush a third time.
Finally, it was late and time for bed. A diaper went on and less than 5 minutes it was dirty. We talked about how icky it was and how he is a big boy now. Let's hope he wakes up with a dry diaper and makes it to the potty on time.
Nobody ever said that potty training would be easy. For some it clicks, others it takes time. We are going to take it one day at a time and see what happens. Hopefully we can kiss diapers good-bye soon. Because 1. they stink and 2. they cost a lot of money.
Together, we will do this potty-plane-ing thing, Brody!!
And Hunter, thank you for being so encouraging, excited, helpful and an example when I need one! You're the best big-brother!
Day 1:
Last night, I noticed Brody snuck away to his room to do his business. Something hit me and I was like, forget diapers, this kid is going on the potty chair. He has no interest still, but I know he knows when he is going. So, I rushed into his room and grabbed him, stripped off the diaper and brought him to his potty chair. He was so mad at me. He was crying and told me he was scared. I gave him a hug and told him he was a big boy and told him he could do it. He had to be brave. With much reasoning, we made it to the chair and he was actually sitting. Big step! I told him he could have some M&M's while he sat there and could watch a movie on the computer. So, I got the treats and brought the lap top in. We you-tubed videos and found a winner that he thought was great! It is super cheesy, but he loves it. You can find it here:
I tried a couple others, but he didn't like them as much. He got sad when they said by to the diapers. So we stuck to this one and sat and sat and sat. He probably sat there for over half an hour. Nothing. So, we got out the Thomas undies and played. We tried again. Nothing. Finally it was bath time. He was playing and as I was getting something from the kitchen, Brody ran out and said, "I'm all done!". I assumed with the bath, since he will do this. So I grabbed his towel, but noticed some yellow in the potty! Yay!! I made sure that Hunter didn't do it and he said he didn't. Brody went potty! So, we put it in the big toilet and flushed and said, "Bye, bye pee, pee!" with a wave. Hands washed we went to his room and put jammies on. It was bed time so a diaper went on too. An icky, baby diaper I reminded him.
Down he went, but then I smelt something wafting from his room. A dirty diaper. But he was out cold! I changed his dirty diaper and put him back in bed.
Day 2:
He woke up happy as can be! And with a dry diaper. I instantly had him sit on the potty. Nothing, nothing and nothing. He was hungry, so we ate, got ready because we had a doctor appointment. He didn't go all morning! So, on went a diaper because I was not facing this battle in public, yet.
But, we returned home with a dry diaper! It was like 4 by the time we got home from running errands, doctor appointment, lunch, etc. Talk about stage fright! The undies went back on. I forgot to set a timer and all of a sudden there was crying. I thought it was because his train was off the track, but it was because he peed in the living room. We cleaned it up, got fresh undies and watched our awesome new video. Seriously like 15 minutes later he was sitting on the potty, stood up and went on the bathroom floor and cried again. We cleaned it up and I told him it was ok and accidents happened. We got another pair of undies and then ate supper. During supper he got off his chair and started crying. I thought his Texas toast was too hot, but it turned out I had a puddle on my kitchen floor. So, I cleaned that up, got another pair of undies and finished up supper.
After supper he ran to his room and slammed the door. I knew what he was up to! I ran in there, brought him to the potty hoping it wasn't too late. I was one terd too late (this is a post about potty training, yes poop and pee are involved). I put it in his potty though and showed him. We flushed it and then said "Bye, bye poo poo!" There was another little one that fell on the floor (yes, I've been cleaning floors a lot today). I showed him the accident and assured him it was ok. He grabbed me some t.p. and we picked it up and waved bye as it went down the bowl. Then he sat, and sat an sat. Stage fright again! A little pee came out so we did get to flush a third time.
Finally, it was late and time for bed. A diaper went on and less than 5 minutes it was dirty. We talked about how icky it was and how he is a big boy now. Let's hope he wakes up with a dry diaper and makes it to the potty on time.
Nobody ever said that potty training would be easy. For some it clicks, others it takes time. We are going to take it one day at a time and see what happens. Hopefully we can kiss diapers good-bye soon. Because 1. they stink and 2. they cost a lot of money.
Together, we will do this potty-plane-ing thing, Brody!!
And Hunter, thank you for being so encouraging, excited, helpful and an example when I need one! You're the best big-brother!
I only wish that I had pictures or a video to go along with this post because I am sure they would be hilarious!
Today we ventured to the clinic for the boy's check-ups- Hunter's 6 year/kindergarten physical and Brody's 3 year. Yeah, we procrastinate sometimes and don't get in on time. Such is life. But we did it today and got some great stories out of the deal. Oh, and two healthy boys!
I honestly did not know how this day would go. I was dreading it, actually. Preparing for the worse. I usually do separate appointments for them on different days so it makes it easier and not as long. This time I decided to do them together because our summer has had a very crazy, busy schedule and just wanted to get it all done in one day this time. Let's start with Hunter's check-up.
Kindergarten is awesome, new, exciting and includes 4 shots. (Insert sarcastic voice) What kid doesn't love shots, right? He knew they were coming. He had the option last year to get them but chose to wait. He said he would be so much "older and braver". I was hoping he was right-not about the older part because I don't want my boys to grow up yet, but about the braver part. He told me before we went in he was a little nervous and asked me what a shot felt like. I told him it wasn't that big of a deal and just a little poke and that it would be over. He didn't understand what these shots would do for him besides the obvious, hurt. So, we grabbed the list of immunizations and looked up what diseases are prevented if you get the shots. He thought they all looked gross and disgusting, some sad, and knew he did not want them and wanted the shots. Woot! Woot! He was on board. Still a little nervous about the pain, he stretched his arm out and said, "Mom, pinch me! Show me what the shot feels like!" Really, who wants to pinch their kid? Not me. But, I gave a little squeeze telling him that it really didn't hurt.
We got into the clinic, checked in and waited for the nurse to call us. Once called, we walked to our room with a crying 3 year old (more on that in a little bit) and began the physical. After a few questions, Hunter weighed in at 44 pounds (31.86%) and was 42.6 inches tall (4.29%-let's just say he's not the tallest kid, but what do you expect with two short parents?). Eyes and ears checked out ok, although I got a little concerned with the hearing part when he only heard one beep the first time through. We tried again and determined he was busy listening to the music on the speakers. The nurse left and we waited for the doctor...for about 20 minutes. Seriously, when we are your 10 and 10:30 appointment, it shouldn't take that long. And especially kids...but whatever.
Hunter hid behind the table when the doctor came in. I asked him if he saw Hunter sneak out, but he said he hadn't, quickly going along with my game. He peeked around the table with a slightly nervous 6 year old hiding. Hunter came out and couldn't wait to get his reflexes checked. He even checked out that instrument during ourpainfully long wait. The following things checked out great: mouth, eyes, ears, breathing, heart, lungs, stomach, back, balance, hopping, tippy toes, heels and don't forget, those awesome reflexes! This boy was ready for kindergarten...except for those darn shots. You almost forgot didn't you? We also found out that after the shots we had to head down to lab for blood work and urine test. Sweet...even better.
Brody had his exam (info still coming) and then the nurse returned with four big needles. Ok, they weren't that big, but to a 6 year old, I'm sure they look huge! He was hiding behind the table again when she came him. It took a little more convincing to get him to climb on top, but when we told him that he could have his sucker afterwards, he was game. I asked him why he thought they would hurt so bad. He told me he remembers watching Brody get his one time and crying. I told him it was because he was scared not because it hurt. He laid down and tensed up. I went towards his head to help hold/calm him down. He laid pretty well, but did not calm down. She was going to put the shots in his thighs so to start the process she opened up the alcohol wipes to clean the area. The first wipe the screams and tears began. "Ouch! It hurts, it hurts!" He was sobbing and we couldn't help but to look at each other and giggle. If the alcohol wipes "hurt" he did not know what was coming. Shot one in. Loud screams!! Shot two in. You thought the first one was loud, you should have heard the second. Shot three in. Seriously, if you were outside you would think she was killing the poor child. Shot four in. More screams, tears from not just one boy, but two. He terrified Brody. Band-aid one on. Hunter popped up, tears gone saying, "We're done?!?" Shocked that was all it was. We burst out laughing! He couldn't understand why. So after all four crayon band-aids were in place with a sucker in the mouth, we headed down to lab.
Carrying a 3 year old and dragging a 6 year old muttering "This is dumb. I just had shots. Why do I have to do lab to?" we made our way down the hallway passing the doctor. The lab tech (who wasn't super kid friendly/convincing right away) told us that the cup would be in the cubby and then to come back to the chair for blood. We walked into the bathroom which led to this great chat.
"This is so stupid! I have to pee in a cup? What do you mean I have to pee in a cup? I always pee in the toilet. This is so dumb." You get the idea. I told him they just had to check that everything was ok and that he was ready for kindergarten. So after filling the cup with still enough to put some in the toilet, we passed the warm yellow cup (I let him feel the outside because how often do you find out that it's warm? He thought it was fascinating.) we went to the chair.
He was fighting it. Big time. I ended up sitting in the chair with Hunter on my lap. The Brodster got jealous and started crying and wanted up. Well, the lab tech who I thought wasn't kid friendly turned out to be great when I needed her the most. She grabbed me a glove, told me to blow it up like a balloon. Winner, winner, chicken dinner! Brody thought it was hilarious and loved a hand shaped balloon. Next, she told Hunter it would be a quick prick, get a little blood and she'd put on a cool crayon band-aid. Apparently crayon band-aids were so four shots ago! He told her that he already had four on his legs and didn't want another. She said she had really cool flag band-aids too. He was sold. After the quick prick and squeeze (he screamed when he saw the blood), the band-aid was in place and she opened up her drawer of cool prizes. He was pumped! He picked out a red bracelet and we were on our way. She told us they would call us later with the results. He was still muttering how it was dumb that he had to get all of that done.
For being so brave, Hunter got to choose where we went for lunch. We had a great time at Pizza Ranch with some yummy pizza. Later this afternoon, the clinic called telling me everything turned out great on his lab work. Hunter asked who called. I told him it was the clinic with his results. For a boy who cries wolf, I decided to play a little trick (I now realize I probably shouldn't). I told him they were unable to read his results and he needed to go back. His jaw dropped, eyes huge. I quickly told him I was kidding. He laughed and told me that was pretty funny. And I know he thought that because tonight he made a pretend phone ring, answered, talked and told me he had to go back to the clinic for lab work. Haha.
So, we now have a little man ready for kindergarten! Shots and all!
Now onto Brody's check-up. See, I didn't forget. I honestly did not know how this would go. Last night and this morning we played doctor with Brody. Hunter helped me out. We had Brody open wide, check his eyes, ears, temp, etc. He thought it was fun.
We got to the clinic and he was super happy, flirting with the receptionist, reading a magazine and giggling. Awesome! Then we were called. Tears began and he was shouting, "I don't want to go! Let's go to the car!" Great. My nightmares were coming true (I really did have a dream last night about Hunter overflowing the urine cup. Weird, I know.). We got into the room with an upset 3 year old, but he calmed down as soon as he saw Hunter begin his check up. He couldn't wait for his and to go on the scale.
He was great! He hopped right up once it was his turn! He weighed in at an even 32 pounds (50.48%) and was 37 inches (30.37%-catching up to his brother!) He was laughing for the nurse and did amazing. She asked me if we had any concerns, which I did. I told her that it was really weird, but he has fears of things. The biggest two are the dark (which is normal) and stickers. She laughed and I told her I know it's weird but he is literally terrified. She said she would make a note of it and to talk about it with the doctor. I also told her that he is very possessive over Hunter, but I think it's a second child thing.
Well, after ourpainful 20 minute wait, the doc was in. Hunter went first, then Brody. He was all smiles again. The doctor showed him how to take deep breaths. It was hilarious watching him try to figure it out, but he did. Everything checked out great. We found out that the reason sometimes he has an outie for a belly button is because there is a small hernia, but it is fairly common and they close on their own around ages 5-6. He was not concerned and I told him we notice it most when he has a full tummy. So, my theory of him having a stubborn umbilical cord was wrong. I'm glad that it's not anything we did wrong.
We then began to chat. I brought up the stickers. He laughed (really, how can you not? It's just that weird.). He told me that he was completely puzzled, had never heard of it, but said that it would be ok. Thankfully we don't necessarily need stickers to live in life, so if he doesn't overcome his fear, he will be ok. And Hunter had a sticker on and he was ok with that. Just not on his skin. Same for tattoos. He said if we keep working on it, he may overcome the fear. He said that there is probably something from the past that triggered the fear, but we will never know what. Phew! Life will go on with the fear of stickers. The dark thing is normal, which I expected. He also said so is the possession issue with Hunter (Insert a kick at Hunter in the doctor's room). Perfect timing. Hunter was fine, thankfully, but he probably thought I was crazy for thinking that.
Brody checked out great. Then came the time for Hunter's shots. With Hunter wailing, Brody got worked up and scared and was screaming and crying for me, reaching up to the table with the needles. He was close to knocking them down but thankfully didn't. With a sucker now in his mouth, we walked to lab. The bathroom was really exciting. Who knew that the toilet paper rolls could spin that fast? Seriously, I had to fix the rolls at least 4 times which reasoning with Hunter why he had to pee in the cup. Next, came the lab with the crying 6 year old in my arms with the crying 3 year old trying to climb up. This is when the magical blue hand balloon appeared. Finally, we were done and on our way to the Pizza Ranch.
I honestly pictured this doctors visit to go completely different. I thought Brody would give his death glare (seriously, if looks could kill this boy would be a murderer), cry constantly, be mad and difficult. I was wrong. And I didn't expect Hunter to be sooo upset over the shots and lab work. But, we made it!!
Hopefully there won't be any visits between now and next years check ups!
Today we ventured to the clinic for the boy's check-ups- Hunter's 6 year/kindergarten physical and Brody's 3 year. Yeah, we procrastinate sometimes and don't get in on time. Such is life. But we did it today and got some great stories out of the deal. Oh, and two healthy boys!
I honestly did not know how this day would go. I was dreading it, actually. Preparing for the worse. I usually do separate appointments for them on different days so it makes it easier and not as long. This time I decided to do them together because our summer has had a very crazy, busy schedule and just wanted to get it all done in one day this time. Let's start with Hunter's check-up.
Kindergarten is awesome, new, exciting and includes 4 shots. (Insert sarcastic voice) What kid doesn't love shots, right? He knew they were coming. He had the option last year to get them but chose to wait. He said he would be so much "older and braver". I was hoping he was right-not about the older part because I don't want my boys to grow up yet, but about the braver part. He told me before we went in he was a little nervous and asked me what a shot felt like. I told him it wasn't that big of a deal and just a little poke and that it would be over. He didn't understand what these shots would do for him besides the obvious, hurt. So, we grabbed the list of immunizations and looked up what diseases are prevented if you get the shots. He thought they all looked gross and disgusting, some sad, and knew he did not want them and wanted the shots. Woot! Woot! He was on board. Still a little nervous about the pain, he stretched his arm out and said, "Mom, pinch me! Show me what the shot feels like!" Really, who wants to pinch their kid? Not me. But, I gave a little squeeze telling him that it really didn't hurt.
We got into the clinic, checked in and waited for the nurse to call us. Once called, we walked to our room with a crying 3 year old (more on that in a little bit) and began the physical. After a few questions, Hunter weighed in at 44 pounds (31.86%) and was 42.6 inches tall (4.29%-let's just say he's not the tallest kid, but what do you expect with two short parents?). Eyes and ears checked out ok, although I got a little concerned with the hearing part when he only heard one beep the first time through. We tried again and determined he was busy listening to the music on the speakers. The nurse left and we waited for the doctor...for about 20 minutes. Seriously, when we are your 10 and 10:30 appointment, it shouldn't take that long. And especially kids...but whatever.
Hunter hid behind the table when the doctor came in. I asked him if he saw Hunter sneak out, but he said he hadn't, quickly going along with my game. He peeked around the table with a slightly nervous 6 year old hiding. Hunter came out and couldn't wait to get his reflexes checked. He even checked out that instrument during our
Brody had his exam (info still coming) and then the nurse returned with four big needles. Ok, they weren't that big, but to a 6 year old, I'm sure they look huge! He was hiding behind the table again when she came him. It took a little more convincing to get him to climb on top, but when we told him that he could have his sucker afterwards, he was game. I asked him why he thought they would hurt so bad. He told me he remembers watching Brody get his one time and crying. I told him it was because he was scared not because it hurt. He laid down and tensed up. I went towards his head to help hold/calm him down. He laid pretty well, but did not calm down. She was going to put the shots in his thighs so to start the process she opened up the alcohol wipes to clean the area. The first wipe the screams and tears began. "Ouch! It hurts, it hurts!" He was sobbing and we couldn't help but to look at each other and giggle. If the alcohol wipes "hurt" he did not know what was coming. Shot one in. Loud screams!! Shot two in. You thought the first one was loud, you should have heard the second. Shot three in. Seriously, if you were outside you would think she was killing the poor child. Shot four in. More screams, tears from not just one boy, but two. He terrified Brody. Band-aid one on. Hunter popped up, tears gone saying, "We're done?!?" Shocked that was all it was. We burst out laughing! He couldn't understand why. So after all four crayon band-aids were in place with a sucker in the mouth, we headed down to lab.
Carrying a 3 year old and dragging a 6 year old muttering "This is dumb. I just had shots. Why do I have to do lab to?" we made our way down the hallway passing the doctor. The lab tech (who wasn't super kid friendly/convincing right away) told us that the cup would be in the cubby and then to come back to the chair for blood. We walked into the bathroom which led to this great chat.
"This is so stupid! I have to pee in a cup? What do you mean I have to pee in a cup? I always pee in the toilet. This is so dumb." You get the idea. I told him they just had to check that everything was ok and that he was ready for kindergarten. So after filling the cup with still enough to put some in the toilet, we passed the warm yellow cup (I let him feel the outside because how often do you find out that it's warm? He thought it was fascinating.) we went to the chair.
He was fighting it. Big time. I ended up sitting in the chair with Hunter on my lap. The Brodster got jealous and started crying and wanted up. Well, the lab tech who I thought wasn't kid friendly turned out to be great when I needed her the most. She grabbed me a glove, told me to blow it up like a balloon. Winner, winner, chicken dinner! Brody thought it was hilarious and loved a hand shaped balloon. Next, she told Hunter it would be a quick prick, get a little blood and she'd put on a cool crayon band-aid. Apparently crayon band-aids were so four shots ago! He told her that he already had four on his legs and didn't want another. She said she had really cool flag band-aids too. He was sold. After the quick prick and squeeze (he screamed when he saw the blood), the band-aid was in place and she opened up her drawer of cool prizes. He was pumped! He picked out a red bracelet and we were on our way. She told us they would call us later with the results. He was still muttering how it was dumb that he had to get all of that done.
For being so brave, Hunter got to choose where we went for lunch. We had a great time at Pizza Ranch with some yummy pizza. Later this afternoon, the clinic called telling me everything turned out great on his lab work. Hunter asked who called. I told him it was the clinic with his results. For a boy who cries wolf, I decided to play a little trick (I now realize I probably shouldn't). I told him they were unable to read his results and he needed to go back. His jaw dropped, eyes huge. I quickly told him I was kidding. He laughed and told me that was pretty funny. And I know he thought that because tonight he made a pretend phone ring, answered, talked and told me he had to go back to the clinic for lab work. Haha.
So, we now have a little man ready for kindergarten! Shots and all!
Now onto Brody's check-up. See, I didn't forget. I honestly did not know how this would go. Last night and this morning we played doctor with Brody. Hunter helped me out. We had Brody open wide, check his eyes, ears, temp, etc. He thought it was fun.
We got to the clinic and he was super happy, flirting with the receptionist, reading a magazine and giggling. Awesome! Then we were called. Tears began and he was shouting, "I don't want to go! Let's go to the car!" Great. My nightmares were coming true (I really did have a dream last night about Hunter overflowing the urine cup. Weird, I know.). We got into the room with an upset 3 year old, but he calmed down as soon as he saw Hunter begin his check up. He couldn't wait for his and to go on the scale.
He was great! He hopped right up once it was his turn! He weighed in at an even 32 pounds (50.48%) and was 37 inches (30.37%-catching up to his brother!) He was laughing for the nurse and did amazing. She asked me if we had any concerns, which I did. I told her that it was really weird, but he has fears of things. The biggest two are the dark (which is normal) and stickers. She laughed and I told her I know it's weird but he is literally terrified. She said she would make a note of it and to talk about it with the doctor. I also told her that he is very possessive over Hunter, but I think it's a second child thing.
Well, after our
We then began to chat. I brought up the stickers. He laughed (really, how can you not? It's just that weird.). He told me that he was completely puzzled, had never heard of it, but said that it would be ok. Thankfully we don't necessarily need stickers to live in life, so if he doesn't overcome his fear, he will be ok. And Hunter had a sticker on and he was ok with that. Just not on his skin. Same for tattoos. He said if we keep working on it, he may overcome the fear. He said that there is probably something from the past that triggered the fear, but we will never know what. Phew! Life will go on with the fear of stickers. The dark thing is normal, which I expected. He also said so is the possession issue with Hunter (Insert a kick at Hunter in the doctor's room). Perfect timing. Hunter was fine, thankfully, but he probably thought I was crazy for thinking that.
Brody checked out great. Then came the time for Hunter's shots. With Hunter wailing, Brody got worked up and scared and was screaming and crying for me, reaching up to the table with the needles. He was close to knocking them down but thankfully didn't. With a sucker now in his mouth, we walked to lab. The bathroom was really exciting. Who knew that the toilet paper rolls could spin that fast? Seriously, I had to fix the rolls at least 4 times which reasoning with Hunter why he had to pee in the cup. Next, came the lab with the crying 6 year old in my arms with the crying 3 year old trying to climb up. This is when the magical blue hand balloon appeared. Finally, we were done and on our way to the Pizza Ranch.
I honestly pictured this doctors visit to go completely different. I thought Brody would give his death glare (seriously, if looks could kill this boy would be a murderer), cry constantly, be mad and difficult. I was wrong. And I didn't expect Hunter to be sooo upset over the shots and lab work. But, we made it!!
Hopefully there won't be any visits between now and next years check ups!
Friday, July 27, 2012
The Beast

Hunter and I were making supper and we heard the pitter patter of little feet from a boy who was waking up from his nap. As the door knob turned, Hunter looked at me and said, "Oh no!"
"What?" I replied.
"The beast is up!"
Hahaha! Yes, Brody can be a bit of a crab. It is true, but I have never heard him referred to as "the beast". I think Hunter has watched "The Sandlot" a time or two too many.
Monday, July 23, 2012
4 in a row!
Today at church I felt empty. The eyes welled up and I knew something wasn't right. I was missing my other half. I couldn't understand why (well besides the obvious, that I missed him) but why it was hitting me so hard today. We went out to lunch with my in-laws, Craig's aunt and uncle and our Pastor, his wife and their two kidlets. It made my heart ache even more seeing their cute little family of 4 and knowing that Sundays should be spent with the ones you love. But really, why so hard today? I was confused. But then it clicked!
Can you believe that I was able to see Craig 4 weekends in a row? It's kind of like a dream! With him being on a project, I find this stat crazy! It is so nice that this project is close to home and the timing of things have been perfect.
What have we done those 4 weekends in a row? Obviously try to soak up every little bit of time together! We like to keep busy, so here is a little glimpse as to what we've been up to.
June 22-25:
*We did a little landscaping around our house. By we, I mean Craig. I helped pick out the new shrubs and plants, but Craig did most of the dirty work. But, I did help move rocks! We have quickly learned that those new shrubs and bushes are our little babies and need lots of water in this heat and lack of rain!
*We hit up the Drive-In theater in Long Prairie. It was a great night spent with great friends. And of course, two great movies, "Brave" and "The Avengers".
*We went to the most awesome parade ever. The Vikingland Band Festival!! And yes, our boys made it through all of the marching bands (I think there were about 18 or so).
*We went to the lake! Craig's family was out of town so we were on cat duty. So one of the days when we were checking on them, we took advantage of the lake and spent a little time there before Craig had to head back to work. So much fun!
Can you believe that I was able to see Craig 4 weekends in a row? It's kind of like a dream! With him being on a project, I find this stat crazy! It is so nice that this project is close to home and the timing of things have been perfect.
What have we done those 4 weekends in a row? Obviously try to soak up every little bit of time together! We like to keep busy, so here is a little glimpse as to what we've been up to.
June 22-25:
*We did a little landscaping around our house. By we, I mean Craig. I helped pick out the new shrubs and plants, but Craig did most of the dirty work. But, I did help move rocks! We have quickly learned that those new shrubs and bushes are our little babies and need lots of water in this heat and lack of rain!
*We hit up the Drive-In theater in Long Prairie. It was a great night spent with great friends. And of course, two great movies, "Brave" and "The Avengers".
*We went to the most awesome parade ever. The Vikingland Band Festival!! And yes, our boys made it through all of the marching bands (I think there were about 18 or so).
*We went to the lake! Craig's family was out of town so we were on cat duty. So one of the days when we were checking on them, we took advantage of the lake and spent a little time there before Craig had to head back to work. So much fun!
At the Festival.
How cute is this?
Hunter loves his daddy.
Sweet summertime!!
June 30-July 1:
I arranged for the boys to go to Craig's parents the night of June 30th, and I was going to surprise Craig and visit him down at his work site to celebrate our 6th anniversary on July 1st! All week on the phone I kept asking him what time he got off work on Saturdays. Made him promise he wasn't going to come and visit. It wouldn't be worth the extra money in gas since he was coming home from July 3-8. We haven't really been able to celebrate our anniversary in past years together, so why try extra this year. The list goes on. Oh, and I told him no flowers, I had plans with friends that day (which I did) and wouldn't be home at all. Plus, I'd rather be surprised vs. the usual days to get flowers.
Well, I got nervous. What if he was really going to try to surprise me? What if we were driving in opposite directions and passed each other in the middle? So, that morning I gave him a call and told him I was coming down. I told him not to worry, it wouldn't be until later that evening so he wouldn't have to get off work early and that we would spend Sunday morning/afternoon together and then I'd head back so I'd be home in time for the boys to get to bed at a decent time.
I hit the road a little after 4 and made my trek to SW MN. With a couple stops on the way, I made it to his work site. I called and he told me he was in the field checking a couple things and would be back shortly. Well, I had to really bad. I looked around and saw port-a-potties. No way. Construction site. Men. Heat. Gross. So, I waited. I grabbed a book (thank goodness I brought it along) and read. And waited, and read, and really hoped and prayed Craig would be there soon. Finally after a little over an hour of waiting he arrived! Thank goodness! After an exchange of a hug and kiss I asked him where the bathroom was. He told me that they had port-a-potties. You have got to be kidding me!! I asked him if he was sure that was all they had. He thought and then he remembered that in one of the trailers there is a bathroom for drug testing!! Wohoo!!
He finished up at work and we headed to his itty bitty house. Seriously, it's small. After giving me the choice of a cheese sandwich or hot dog, or walk to the bar and grab some burgers, I opted for the burgers. I was hungry!
We got our amazing cheeseburgers at 10 PM and had a great supper. It was so nice just being with him!
The next morning, we got up, got ready for church and headed to Sioux Falls. We went to the church that the pastor that married us now serves. He didn't preach that day, but it was still fun to see him and his family. After church, we went to Falls Park, walked around in the heat and then headed to Red Lobster for lunch.
It was amazing, we ate way too much, but oh well! We then went and bought Craig a new pair of cowboy/work boots and headed out of town. We made our way to Blue Mounds State Park and hiked to old quarry and then drove to the top of the overlook. It was a great day spent together! The way an anniversary should be spent!
Saying goodbye was hard (as always) but for some reason harder. Usually it's him leaving, but it was so much harder for me to leave him. After many hugs and tears, I made my way out the door and north bound. Still crying as I drove down the road and remembered a Dr. Seuss saying. "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." It calmed me, and I sent a text saying just that to Craig.
Falls Park
Quarry at Blue Mounds State Park
Love this man!
On top of Eagle Rock.
July 3-8:
Craig took off work from these days. I think it was a much needed break for all of us! And his cousin from AZ was coming and I thought it would be nice for him to be here since he hadn't seen her for almost 3 years. We had a fun and busy week!
*Celebrated the 4th of July with family and friends. We enjoyed an afternoon on the lake and lots of yummy food.
*Had cousin's night out and went out for supper, went bowling and shot the minnow. However Craig wasn't brave enough for it. Really, it isn't that bad.
*Had family pictures taken. They turned out great!
*Went to Madagascar 3 with the boys.
*Celebrated Brody's 3rd birthday with a circus theme party. We had a blast with it!
4th of July
Love this!
Cousin night out!
Photo Booth at Brody's party!
July 13-16:
We had a really relaxing weekend. The highlight was probably being in our town's parade and having a date night.
Supporting Bob Cunniff at the parade!
I have loved the past four weekends with Craig! I wish we could spend all of our time together. Can't wait for our next weekend together and the fun adventures to come!
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Long Drive-In
This past Saturday, we finally did something we have been talking about doing for around a year-we went to the Drive-In Theater near Long Prairie. It was amazing! It almost felt like we were back in time and things were simple again.
As we drove up, we were greeted by this cute, vintage sign. We lucked out to see a double feature including one kid's movie. We arrived a few minutes before the gates opened and were third in line.
They had a concession building with all sorts of goodies. The boys loved the buttered popcorn!
Here we are cuddled up on our sleeping bag on the lawn waiting for dusk. We picked the weekend with the longest days, but it was still so fun just being out and enjoying a night with family and friends. And since we were there early, we got front row parking which had a huge lawn in front of it where the kids played soccer, football, tag and more!
These are our friends that invited us to go with. Hunter met their son last year in preschool and we have kept in touch ever since! They are great buddies.
How cool is this old speaker? And yes, this is how you hear the movie!
The big screen outdoors. If you have never gone to a drive-in, you need to put it on your list to do! We lucked out with a beautiful evening with little bugs, no wind and comfortable temperatures.
I know this is a little blurry, but it gives you an idea of what it looked like.
Circus, Circus!
Craig was home this weekend and we had a very busy weekend! On Friday afternoon, my dad took us all to the circus. It was a great afternoon out and the boys loved the entertainment. Well, let's be honest, the adults did too.
Craig & Hunter enjoying some cotton candy.
Brody was more interested in eating the cotton candy than taking a picture with me.
I could do that if I tried really hard. But, I probably wouldn't be able to move for the next week.
Amazing, but seriously, what drives you to work with tigers? I would be terrified!
We have ourselves a nodder. The circus takes a lot out of little boys.
Dreams do come true!! Hunter and I rode an elephant!! Yes, it was as amazing as it looks. Thanks Dad! (After 25 years of asking him for an elephant ride, he finally bought me a ticket. I tell ya, parents do anything for their grandkids!)
The grand finale-the elephants!
Brody woke up in time to see his favorite animals, the elephants. He was more than a little excited!
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Preschool: Complete.
It's official. Our household now has a future kindergartner! And boy is he ever excited!! Last week, Hunter had is last day of preschool. It was such a bittersweet day. Part of me doesn't want to admit that he is really this old already, part of me is super excited for everything that is about to come his way, part of me is nervous for what kind of kids will be in his class, part of me is sad because we will miss his amazing teacher and aide. So many emotions are tugging me in so many directions! But for now, we celebrate that Hunter is officially done with preschool! Here are a few snapshots from his last day of school:
The night before his last day, he made cards/pictures for both Mrs. Roste and Mrs. Sievert. I asked him what is favorite things about preschool were. I loved his answers!!
*My friends.
*How good of a teacher Mrs. Roste is. She is fun!
*Going to the gym.
*Writing my name with Mrs. Roste.
*Singing songs with Mrs. Roste.
*Acting out the Passion Drama.
*My friends.
*How good of a teacher Mrs. Roste is. She is fun!
*Going to the gym.
*Writing my name with Mrs. Roste.
*Singing songs with Mrs. Roste.
*Acting out the Passion Drama.
Hunter with the drawing he made for Mrs. Roste. It took him probably 5 or 6 pieces of paper to get the perfect look of the school. I think he did all right! I'm sure it made Mrs. Roste proud.
They charged admission to their final preschool program-a few cents is really all it cost. This year Hunter helped work the till and they would rotate jobs:stamping hands, handing out programs, taking money during intermission for popcorn, handing out popcorn.
Ready for the last program. Hunter is in the front row on the right.
Hunter rode a roller racer in this years preschool parade!
Yep, I'm done. Can this face get any better? He did manage a small smile, but my camera's flash was busy loading. Oh well, he was so ready to be done and move on to kindergarten so this face is perfect.
Hunter and Mrs. Roste
Mrs. Sievert and Hunter
To celebrate Hunter wanted to make s'mores. Who can say no to that when it was a perfect night for a bonfire!
Yum! So tasty!
Congratulations, Hunter!! We are so proud of you!
Oh, the Places You'll Go!
Many of you know the famous Dr. Seuss book, "Oh, the Places You'll Go!". And if you don't, well then my friend, you are missing out. It's a book about completing one step in your life (ex. graduation) and goes on to tell you that there is so much more to look forward to in the life to come and "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" (life in general and it will include both good things and not so good things but will all be a learning experience). And no matter what, if you believe in yourself you will succeed!
Well, the night before Hunter's second to last day of preschool (did you follow that?) I was up way too late on Pinterest. I tell you, that site sucks you right in! But, I came across this cool idea. Buy the book "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" and have each of your child's teacher sign it over the years and give it to them as a graduation gift. Oh my goodness did this strike a chord with me! I'm a softy and love the heartfelt things in life.
The next morning, while Hunter was at school, Brody and I ran around town doing some errands and made sure to stop by Target to pick up the book. I snuck it to his teacher after class and asked her if she wouldn't mind writing a little note to Hunter in the book and signing it. I told her what my plan was with the book.
Well Thursday came and let's just say I was one emotional mama! 1. Hunter spent two great years with this preschool teacher. 2. My little boy is growing up and will officially be a kindergartner in the fall! Seriously, how did this happen? Anyways, as I was saying, I was emotional and completely forgot about the book, my idea, everything. As the kids were playing in the gym, Hunter's teacher came over to me with the same Target bag I gave her two days before with the book in it. She said, "I'm not very good at this sort of thing, but I hope it's OK." I assured her that I was sure that it would be perfect and thanked her again for two wonderful years with tears rolling down my face. She then reminded me that she'll see Hunter again in a couple weeks at science camp. But still, it's not the same...
After a play date after school we came home, Brody napped and Hunter was outside playing. I was looking through all the things that were sent home from school that day: projects, "hand"book (super cool-each month they made a picture with their hand print), pictures, etc. Then I came across the book. I didn't know what to expect but inside I found this beautifully written note:
What a joy it has been to have you in Preschool the last two years. I had a great time playing and learning with you. As you continue on an adventure to new places and activities always remember that Jesus is with you and loves you. He has great plans for you. Trust in Him! I'm very proud of you and thank God for you. Follow your dreams and remember I love you but Jesus Loves You more.
Mrs. Roste
Preschool 2011-2012
Zion Lutheran
And she said she wasn't good at that sort of thing!! Seriously I get tears every time I read it. It is so touching and I am so glad that I did this. I know that I won't be able to get every teacher over the years-especially once he gets into junior and senior high, but it is my goal to get as many as possible and give it to him on graduation day.
Thank you Pinterest for your amazing ideas.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Tomorrow is Friday which means it's time for the weekend to begin!! And my hubby comes home from a week at work!! Always an exciting time in our house. But I know my days of looking forward to the weekend are coming to an end as we get ready for Craig to go off to another project. And this makes me sad, scared, nervous, and many more feelings.
We have been spoiled having him home every weekend since mid-December. I think this is the longest stretch of having him in the office. But soon it is time to return to "Yay! It's rotation weekend! We survived the 17 days (but really, who's counting? Oh yeah, we are.)" It is going to be a big change for us and honestly, I am dreading it. I know that after awhile we will get back in the swing of things and I'm trying to keep the boys busy and get them into activities in the summer, but the nights are long and lonely. Sleeping in a bed where you know your other half belongs but isn't sucks. But we do it because we have to and we chose this for now. We all hate it. Hunter has had a hard time dealing with it and last weekend was the first time we noticed Brody showing that it bothered him when Daddy left back to work. I can only imagine for how it feels for Craig. He is an amazing husband who works so hard to provide for our family. I honestly don't know how I got to be so luck and marry an amazing man.
But for now, we are going to hang out and just enjoy our weekend soaking up as much family time as possible.
We have been spoiled having him home every weekend since mid-December. I think this is the longest stretch of having him in the office. But soon it is time to return to "Yay! It's rotation weekend! We survived the 17 days (but really, who's counting? Oh yeah, we are.)" It is going to be a big change for us and honestly, I am dreading it. I know that after awhile we will get back in the swing of things and I'm trying to keep the boys busy and get them into activities in the summer, but the nights are long and lonely. Sleeping in a bed where you know your other half belongs but isn't sucks. But we do it because we have to and we chose this for now. We all hate it. Hunter has had a hard time dealing with it and last weekend was the first time we noticed Brody showing that it bothered him when Daddy left back to work. I can only imagine for how it feels for Craig. He is an amazing husband who works so hard to provide for our family. I honestly don't know how I got to be so luck and marry an amazing man.
But for now, we are going to hang out and just enjoy our weekend soaking up as much family time as possible.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
As crazy as it is to believe, this past weekend I turned the big 2-5. A quarter of a century. Half way to fifty. No longer in my early twenties. Goodness, does this mean I'm getting old?!? Ok, so I'm not really that concerned about getting old, even though my husband may beg to differ, but this weekend did make me reflect on the past 25 years I have lived and the goals I want to achieve. Some I am satisfied with and others I feel like a complete failure. Oh well, I guess that's a part of life.
Growing up I always tried to picture my life and tried to plan accordingly for certain ages and how I expected my life to be at that particular age. Twenty-five went a little like this:
*Be married. (Check! Going on six years, baby! I was hoping for a year or two at this stage in my life, but have loved the extra four or five years.)
*Thinking about having my first baby. (Check! Not only have I thought about having children, I have been blessed with two beautiful boys. They are my everything and make life worth living and rather interesting.)
*Finish college (Fail. There are days that I do regret this, but at the same time would have found it extremely difficult to finish with a baby and a husband who was in school and then career. I always get asked if I will go back one day. Honestly, I don't want to. I don't know exactly what I want to do in life so for now, I feel like it would be pointless. I know I get judged for that response, but so be it. My focus in life now is my kids and family. It is not "what degree did you get" sort of thing. I don't want to spend 3 years behind textbooks when I could be spending those years behind children books reading and enriching my own child's life. Most people don't know that this is a tender topic for me, but it is. I never like giving up on things and at times I feel like I did. Unless I become passionate about a career, I will not be returning to school. I would rather save the money for my son's educations, spend the time with them vs. in a class, or behind the computer on an online class or studying in a text book. Don't like that answer, tough. I will find a job once the boys are in school, but it doesn't have to be a fancy title. I'll save that for my husband.)
*Have a successful career. Either a lawyer (those were the early years), a Spanish teacher or an elementary teacher. (Fail/Check! While I am not a lawyer or teacher I still don't find myself a complete failure on this one. I do feel like a failure in the sense I never did finish college and never got a degree, but I still feel like I am a lawyer and teacher. I am always pointing out what is right and wrong about life, helping kids argue their cases, finding out the truth to a true mystery (like who made that mess) and I am definitely a teacher. I teach my boys about life and all it has to offer. I teach them colors, numbers, letters, how to read, how to use their imagination and so much more. Although I'm not officially a lawyer or teacher, I feel ok.)
*Think about buying a home. (Check! Hard to believe we have had our house for almost 2.5 years. It wouldn't have been possible without my husband's hard work and dedication to saving money.)
*Be fit. (Fail. But hoping to change that. After having the boys, I feel like I let myself go and eat whatever my little heart, er stomach, desired. But, I'm ready to change it! I have now gotten a personal trainer and have been working with her this past week. I try to work out at the Y regularly and try to eat as healthy as possible, which is easier said than done. Why do the unhealthy foods have to taste so good? So, I'm hoping to change this fail into a check.)
*Be a good friend. (I can't be the judge of this, but I hope it's a check. I have multiple relationships that have lasted for years. Some dating back to 2nd grade! To me friends are like my family and I feel like a good friendship gives you a strong foundation on life. They will build you up when you are down. I know my friends do this for me so hopefully they can say the same about me.)
Ok, so I'm not exactly where I pictured myself in life at this time, but I think I'm doing all right. I love the way my life is, well, most days, and I feel like everything that has happened these past twenty five years (both good and bad) have molded me into the person I am today. I'm not perfect, I know it's hard to believe (kidding!) but I try to be the best I can be.
Well, I guess I am officially on my way to 30. EEK! I wonder what the next 25 years of my life will bring. Or where I will be? Crazy thing to think about. Especially knowing that I could very well be a grandma (Hunter will be 30 almost 31, so it is totally possible). Scary. But for now, I'm just going to enjoy life and take it one day and year at a time. Life truly is a beautiful thing, even with all of it's struggles.
Growing up I always tried to picture my life and tried to plan accordingly for certain ages and how I expected my life to be at that particular age. Twenty-five went a little like this:
*Be married. (Check! Going on six years, baby! I was hoping for a year or two at this stage in my life, but have loved the extra four or five years.)
*Thinking about having my first baby. (Check! Not only have I thought about having children, I have been blessed with two beautiful boys. They are my everything and make life worth living and rather interesting.)
*Finish college (Fail. There are days that I do regret this, but at the same time would have found it extremely difficult to finish with a baby and a husband who was in school and then career. I always get asked if I will go back one day. Honestly, I don't want to. I don't know exactly what I want to do in life so for now, I feel like it would be pointless. I know I get judged for that response, but so be it. My focus in life now is my kids and family. It is not "what degree did you get" sort of thing. I don't want to spend 3 years behind textbooks when I could be spending those years behind children books reading and enriching my own child's life. Most people don't know that this is a tender topic for me, but it is. I never like giving up on things and at times I feel like I did. Unless I become passionate about a career, I will not be returning to school. I would rather save the money for my son's educations, spend the time with them vs. in a class, or behind the computer on an online class or studying in a text book. Don't like that answer, tough. I will find a job once the boys are in school, but it doesn't have to be a fancy title. I'll save that for my husband.)
*Have a successful career. Either a lawyer (those were the early years), a Spanish teacher or an elementary teacher. (Fail/Check! While I am not a lawyer or teacher I still don't find myself a complete failure on this one. I do feel like a failure in the sense I never did finish college and never got a degree, but I still feel like I am a lawyer and teacher. I am always pointing out what is right and wrong about life, helping kids argue their cases, finding out the truth to a true mystery (like who made that mess) and I am definitely a teacher. I teach my boys about life and all it has to offer. I teach them colors, numbers, letters, how to read, how to use their imagination and so much more. Although I'm not officially a lawyer or teacher, I feel ok.)
*Think about buying a home. (Check! Hard to believe we have had our house for almost 2.5 years. It wouldn't have been possible without my husband's hard work and dedication to saving money.)
*Be fit. (Fail. But hoping to change that. After having the boys, I feel like I let myself go and eat whatever my little heart, er stomach, desired. But, I'm ready to change it! I have now gotten a personal trainer and have been working with her this past week. I try to work out at the Y regularly and try to eat as healthy as possible, which is easier said than done. Why do the unhealthy foods have to taste so good? So, I'm hoping to change this fail into a check.)
*Be a good friend. (I can't be the judge of this, but I hope it's a check. I have multiple relationships that have lasted for years. Some dating back to 2nd grade! To me friends are like my family and I feel like a good friendship gives you a strong foundation on life. They will build you up when you are down. I know my friends do this for me so hopefully they can say the same about me.)
Ok, so I'm not exactly where I pictured myself in life at this time, but I think I'm doing all right. I love the way my life is, well, most days, and I feel like everything that has happened these past twenty five years (both good and bad) have molded me into the person I am today. I'm not perfect, I know it's hard to believe (kidding!) but I try to be the best I can be.
Well, I guess I am officially on my way to 30. EEK! I wonder what the next 25 years of my life will bring. Or where I will be? Crazy thing to think about. Especially knowing that I could very well be a grandma (Hunter will be 30 almost 31, so it is totally possible). Scary. But for now, I'm just going to enjoy life and take it one day and year at a time. Life truly is a beautiful thing, even with all of it's struggles.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Pushing Limits
Brody is at the age where he is learning what is right or wrong, how far can limits be pushed before he is in trouble. It can be a difficult stage, but at the end of the day it's kind of funny to remember what he did and how far he pushed. Other nights it is not very funny and I am on the verge of tears, if not in tears, questioning how could one day go so wrong.
Once again, Brody was pushing the limits tonight. Surprised? I'm not. I can't remember exactly what he was doing and I know it wasn't horrible because it doesn't stick out in my mind, but Brody's words definitely do. Because that was a lot funnier than what actually happened. He said, "I'm not being naughty, I'm just being silly." He then proceeded to run off and continued to play.
Funny how naughty and silly can look the same through the eyes of a two and a half year old.
Once again, Brody was pushing the limits tonight. Surprised? I'm not. I can't remember exactly what he was doing and I know it wasn't horrible because it doesn't stick out in my mind, but Brody's words definitely do. Because that was a lot funnier than what actually happened. He said, "I'm not being naughty, I'm just being silly." He then proceeded to run off and continued to play.
Funny how naughty and silly can look the same through the eyes of a two and a half year old.
Table Talk
You never know what topics will come up at the table during supper time. Usually we talk and reflect upon the day or talk about what the next day may hold. You know, typical table talk. But every now and then, life with two boys will throw you a curve ball and something completely unexpected will come out. Like tonight.
Hunter: Mom, how would you feel if you heard this. "Brody Zappe, you are under arrest. You are going to jail!"
Me: I would feel very sad.
Hunter: OK, just checking.
Let's hope and pray I never have to hear this conversation again.
Hunter: Mom, how would you feel if you heard this. "Brody Zappe, you are under arrest. You are going to jail!"
Me: I would feel very sad.
Hunter: OK, just checking.
Let's hope and pray I never have to hear this conversation again.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Some Clarification
Tonight as I was on the phone with Craig, Brody came up to me. He had something he needed to clarify.
"Mom, I'm not robot. I'm a boy."
Good to know buddy. He also made it very clear today as we looked at our family picture that Craig is Hunter's dad and I am Brody's mom, but I'm not Hunter's mom and Craig is not his dad. Hmmm...we may need to work on that one! But for now, it's pretty funny.
"Mom, I'm not robot. I'm a boy."
Good to know buddy. He also made it very clear today as we looked at our family picture that Craig is Hunter's dad and I am Brody's mom, but I'm not Hunter's mom and Craig is not his dad. Hmmm...we may need to work on that one! But for now, it's pretty funny.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Happy Spring
Happy First Day of Spring to all my Peeps!
I made these cute litte bird nests for Hunter's preschool class for snack today. They were a huge hit!
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