Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Little Quack

How cute is this baby gosling? Pretty cute if you ask me!! Monday, we took the boys to a park in town to feed the baby ducks and geese. Like any kid, they loved it! Hunter couldn't get close enough and we had to remind him countless times to back up to the parents wouldn't get upset. Brody liked to watch. I gave him a piece of bread to toss to the ducks and geese, but instead he put it in his mouth. Typical. We showed him how to throw it to the birds and he got the hang of it and threw the bread a whopping 6 inches. I'm sure they picked it up once we left. He loved watching though and "quacked" most of the time we were there.
Both of the boys loved having their daddy home for the long weekend. They are so lucky to have a dad who loves them so much! And I'm really glad they coordinated their outfits. Made for a great picture.
And here is Super Brody looking as cute as ever! He loved playing in the little house at the park and running around it. Craig and I guarded each side so he wouldn't run towards the water. If he would have had a chance, I'm sure he would have been in it splashing around.

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