Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Just Because

Today I got a very unexpected, but pleasant call from a florist in town saying she had some flowers that needed to be delivered. Instantly, a big smile stretched across my face. 45 minutes later, she was at my door with my flowers. As soon as she left, I quickly untied the ribbon to see what they looked like. Inside, I found 12 gerber daisies-my favorite flower. Then, I peeked at the note and it read:

"Just Because

I love you a lot.


So simple, but so sweet. It was exactly what I needed to brighten up my week after a couple of rough and lonely days. Inside of me, this project has taken a toll on me. But, I try not to let it show. I need to stay strong for the boys and let them know that we can do this, even though it isn't the most ideal situation. But every now and then, my emotions catch up to me and when everything is quiet in the house I will have a minor melt down and wish things could be different. I question whether this is what's best for our family, what's best for our relationship. I cannot tell you how much I look forward to next weekend when Craig is done with it and home for awhile. It is exactly what our family needs right now.

But until then, I have fresh flowers to wake up to. Flowers that remind me that I am loved by my husband, but more importantly, my best friend. Thanks, Craiger! You know exactly what to do to put a smile on my face. :)

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful husband. And in the moments when you need to break down, I am a phone call away, and know very much the loneliness of a husband gone. Hugs, and I am excited that Craig comes home this weekend :)
