Hunter's latest favorite toy is our bathroom sinks. They are the best. He loves filling them to the brim. Thank goodness there is a drain hole so it can't over flow. He has tried making it though because he wants our house to be a big flood and have it all under water. That way it will be like a big swimming pool like in Texas and we could swim and play in the water all day. I will give him a couple points for creativity.
The sink also converts into a bath tub for his fish bath toys. He will wash them with soap. If I drain the water he will melt down and say "MOM!!! The fish are going to die!!! They need water to survive!!!" I tell him they're just toys, but some days he is not convinced.
The sink makes great car wash too. He will have Hot Wheels cars and trucks lined up and drive them in and wash them off and will have a towel waiting on the other side so they can dry off. Maybe he knows that cars and trucks should be clean since his Uncle Jason owns a car wash. Hunter has always been a clean freak too.
I am so glad Hunter has the imagination he has. He can make fun out of the simplest things around the house. Hopefully it continues through the years.
Keeping cars no matter what the size is very important. Well done Hunter.