Honestly, why is it that all men love remotes? I just don't understand it. Do they feel as if they have a super power when it is in their possession. I mean, they are able to control one thing in life with a remote.
Whatever it is, I know that it starts at a very early age. Hunter has always loved remotes. At around a year and a half, we started to hide the remote just so we could watch something or not have the TV turned on unexpectedly or suddenly go deaf from the volume going so high in a matter of seconds. We ended up buying him a toy remote, but it wasn't good enough. It had to be the real thing.
Brody is now at that age where the remote is so fascinating. With a push of a button, he can change something and he loves it. You can see pure delight in his eyes if the channel changes. Laughter fills the room if the volume sky rockets. If he could pick a favorite toy, he would probably choose the remote...but not the toy one.
We have now gotten to the point that we need to hide the remote. If you are ever over and looking for the remote, check on top of the couch behind the cushion. 95% of the time, it will be there. This morning Hunter was watching a cartoon after breakfast. After picking out what show he wanted to watch, he said, "Mom! Quick! Hide the remote before Brody gets it." I couldn't help but laugh. He then told me that it wasn't funny. Kids.
This made me smile. Your boys have such personality!