Tomorrow is Friday which means it's time for the weekend to begin!! And my hubby comes home from a week at work!! Always an exciting time in our house. But I know my days of looking forward to the weekend are coming to an end as we get ready for Craig to go off to another project. And this makes me sad, scared, nervous, and many more feelings.
We have been spoiled having him home every weekend since mid-December. I think this is the longest stretch of having him in the office. But soon it is time to return to "Yay! It's rotation weekend! We survived the 17 days (but really, who's counting? Oh yeah, we are.)" It is going to be a big change for us and honestly, I am dreading it. I know that after awhile we will get back in the swing of things and I'm trying to keep the boys busy and get them into activities in the summer, but the nights are long and lonely. Sleeping in a bed where you know your other half belongs but isn't sucks. But we do it because we have to and we chose this for now. We all hate it. Hunter has had a hard time dealing with it and last weekend was the first time we noticed Brody showing that it bothered him when Daddy left back to work. I can only imagine for how it feels for Craig. He is an amazing husband who works so hard to provide for our family. I honestly don't know how I got to be so luck and marry an amazing man.
But for now, we are going to hang out and just enjoy our weekend soaking up as much family time as possible.